Channel Management

In the Channel Management tab of the platform Settings/Preferences section, is where you can view all the engagement channels of the platform towards the external world. Also, it is where you can manage aspects of how the platform will interact in the process of the delivery and reception of messages from the targeted audiences.

The main pane presents two elements:

  • The Enabled channels table.

    The table shows each engagement channel type to be used in campaigns along with their features, and provide an area to introduce the content for the response SMS message that conforms to standard common SMS sending and that will be sent by the platform according to certain conditions (Auto-Reply Message, Opt-Out Configuration, Help Response Configuration, Join Response). For example, the Opt-Out Configuration shows the default Keywords for Subscribers to use to stop receiving messages. That is, the subscriber type the "stop" keyword, he will immediately stop receiving messages. This type of conditions are described in the Consent Management section.



    To include SMS and WhatsApp channels on the platform, please reach out to our support team.

    Tou can add the Email, Push to the platform through the Add Sender dropdown menu.

  • The Daily campaign scheduler.

    The Daily Campaign Scheduler sets the time and days for sending SMS, RCS, and WhatsApp messages.

    By default, the platform is configured to always send, which is controlled through the Always Send Checkbox located in the bottom left corner.

    Disabling Always Send allows a tailored made configuration, that is enforced platform-wide, defining which days of the week and at which times the platform will send messages to the outside world
    Its operation is straightforward. Select the days of the week from the list, and the time window in which messages can be sent from the Start Time and Stop Time pickers, select the time zone that applies, and select Save.

    Messages will be sent for the dates and times specified in the configuration.